Freedom Sharing Jesus Revival


Welcome to Freedom Sharing Jesus. We were established in 2005 and are here to teach the word of God. We are here to help those who struggle with scriptures. We are here to inspire people to live a God fearing sinless life in Jesus Christ. We are strong believers in the 8 th chapter of Roman’s where it talks about the Carnal mind and how the flesh lusts against the spirit. We believe the mind of man is mostly against God and is our worst enemy. We believe in putting on the full armor of God to fight the flesh.

We are firm believers in the baptism of the Holy Ghost and of fire. With the evidence of speaking in tongues. We also believe in divine healing for the mind the body and the soul. In 1 Cor.12 chapter it talks about different gifts of the spirit. We believe that the gifts are still available to the Latter rain church. Just like they were to the early church under Apostle Paul and the seven churches Asia, We believe in living an overcoming life and to deny the flesh. To pick up our cross daily and set a example like Jesus Christ did and live by the Holy Ghost . This will lead to maturity of perfection in Jesus Christ. We also believe in two resurrections one for the Bride of Jesus Christ and the other one for a new earth after the thousand year rain. Thanks for stopping buy our website. We would like to help people grow in Christ and help them grow in God thru or hope, strength and experience in the Lord. Thank You