We Must Bear Our Crosses

In first heaven and overcome and become perfect and in the fullness of the stature of Christ.
When we receive the Holy Ghost we enter into his rest in second heaven. In order to stay there, we must become Holy like he was Holy. Like Jacobs latter!!!
Then we can go under the alter and be in communication with the father in Rev 6:9-11 like the Early church. When we die the first death, we do not die the second death! We die to self and lay this mud hut down and go out a live soul. We are given our white robe or spir-itual body

1 Cor 15:35-50. When it is all over we dwell in third heaven like Paul said he was caught up unto third heaven. He was still alive when he that happened. So just like the tabernacle there are three stages to eternal life and eternal glory. Brothe rit is time for us to stop preaching Jesus and the cross and start teaching the Book of Acts and Pentecost.

Without the Holy Ghost and the gift of tongues we cannot even see the Kingdom of God less along understand it.Its the new wine from heaven above. I am not preaching I am teaching you my brother there is a difference. Churches even Pentecostals churches are living on emotionalism. Sound doctrine with no leaven is what elevates us past the hype of it all.