Girl Gets Holy Ghost

Girl Gets Holy Ghost Story to an Atheist Who Use to Believe The one thing I know when someone receives the Holy Ghost like a girl did at our house last week. She threw away her vape and I saw her reading the word as I told her and God opened her eyes to it right then....

God is a Spirit

God is a Spirit I received the Holy Ghost 50 years ago and spoke in tongues for the first time. I was baptized in water three times. I have heard oneness believers tear down everyone for being baptized in the name of the father and son and Holy Ghost. Saying that the...

50 Years Ago In a Pentecostal Church

50 Years Ago in a Pentecostal Church I was high on LSD I freaked out the first time I saw people dancing in the spirit. The people were running around the building. People speaking in tongues out loud. There was Tongues and interpretation. They had buns on their head...

I Met The Lord

I Met The Lord I met the Lord and received the Holy Ghost and spoke in a heavenly language 47 years ago for the first time. I have spent my Christian life laying my hands on people. Helping them to receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. They speak in tongues and then...