Girl Gets Holy Ghost Story to an Atheist Who Use to Believe

The one thing I know when someone receives the Holy Ghost like a girl did at our house last week. She threw away her vape and I saw her reading the word as I told her and God opened her eyes to it right then. She has a year clean and sober and got busted for two guns and three different drugs. She was facing years in prison. She was an atheist Like our friend. She reached out to Jesus crying in her cell. She went to court and the judge gave her 36 months drug diversion. On a gun charge two illegal weapons. They OR her and she is ordered to go to meetings. She met Dee a year ago and Dee told her about South beach Church. See has been clean and sober doing her program. She also attends a woman bible study with Dee. She sees a difference in Dee. So Dee told her about the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and invited her over. Where I explained the lesson to her She could not wait. So I laid my hand on her with Dee and I praying and she began speaking in God’s heavenly language or the tongues of Angels. She was lit up light Moses when he came off the mountain after spending 40 days with God in the burning bush. In the last year she met a wonderful man who has a few years clean and sober. The attend church together every Sunday. they are do to get married soon and have not slept together and want to save that for marriage . Like God intended Adam and Eve to do. See church is one thing and Pastor are what they are. But when God gives a person the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Lives are changed instantly, Miracles happen and most of God takes off the veil or mask off our faces and we get Eyes to See and Ears to here. We develop a relationship with the Father thru the Son and we can never turn back again. I think are friend needs to cry out and ask God if what I am saying and writing is true . Let him receive the spirit and he will never doubt whether there is a God or not.