As bible believers we understand that Paul talked, about a high calling in Christ Jesus in

Phil. 3:14. We also understand that there are two armies of the Lord an early rain and a latter rain church as Jesus said he has long patience for the early and latter rain. James 5:7. We also understand that the early church was in perfect order from the time Jesus was crucified until approximately A.D. 70. Forty years is a bible dispensation! The church fell away into what we call a spiritual wilderness almost 2000 years ( Read Rev. 6th Chapter) later we are coming into a mature church or a dispensation where people can become perfect or mature in Jesus Christ. We are in the last hour of fulfillment of this Bride of Christ.

Rev 6: 9-11, Talks about the early church waiting for us to be killed like they were killed to be fulfilled. It says white robes were given unto them and they were told to wait. These white robes are spiritual bodies as mentioned in

2 Cor. 5:1, if this earthly tabernacle is dissolved or dies we have spiritual body not made with hands eternal in the heavens. It is also mentioned in 1 Cor. 15 chapter talks about celestial bodies which are heavenly bodies. I believe only the elect of God will be clothed upon with immortality or this spiritual body. They will mature to a condition and be set apart and stand in the fullness of the stature of Jesus Christ and be part of the High calling Paul mentioned. Paul did say in

2 Tim 2:6-8 He was ready to offer and the time of his departure was at hand. He fought a good fight, he finished his course, and he kept the faith. Then he talks about a crown of righteousness or spiritual body be laid up for him. Paul reached his goal which was to be like Jesus and stand in his likeness.

In Eph. 4:13 the bible says we must all come into the unity of the faith, and the knowledge of the son of God unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. It is Christ in us the hope of glory. So if we reach spiritual maturity in Christ thru the circumcision of the heart and pureness of the spirit. We will be the remnant or man child he is looking for in a church or group of people he wants to marry. The bridegroom is Jesus and the bride is the remnant. The remnant is mentioned in Romans 11:5, the man child is mentioned in

Rev. 12: 5,13 we see that the Lord will have a church without spot or blemish in

Eph. 5:27 that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing, be that it shall be holy and without blemish. I believe this church is the bride of Christ. Jesus say’s in Luke 12:32 fear not little flock it is your fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom. So he calls his bride a little flock. Because straight is the gate and narrow is the way. Few there that find it but broad is the gate that leads to destruction. We know straight is the gate or entrance way to life and few that find it and broad is the gate or way that leads to destruction. Mt. 7: 13-15 Please note: verse 15, It talks about false prophets.

In Mathew the 7 chapter it talks about people prophesied, cast out devils, did great works in his name. He rebukes them and tells them to flee from him and called them workers of iniquity. So these people were believers operating in his likeness yet he never knew them. He says his dove is undefiled and she is the only one of her mother the Shula mite woman is a picture or type of the bride of Christ ( Read the book of Song’s of Solomon). The mother was the early church. ( Jerusalem which is above is the mother of us all). This is a spiritual city, not a natural city, so we are striving to be a part of the latter church. We understand that a woman can be a spiritual woman or church and the book of Revelation talks about two woman or witnesses one a virtuous woman and a harlot or wicked woman a harlot or whore is one who sales herself for goods. A church that sells themselves or teaches lies or fables or fairy tales and tickles people’s ears and says smooth things is the Harlot. The bride of Christ will follow the Lamb and will sing the new song. The bride will not take the mark of the beast; they will rule and rein for a thousand years as the Lord rebuilds the earth.
A pastor is like a father over the church, he loves the church like his wife with an eternal love not a carnal love. Carnal love is carnal, selfish, childish, and destructive. God’s love is an eternal love. It is unconditional and will endure forever; man’s love is temporal and unfair. We as natural humans live under the law of the prince of the power of the air. A prince must have a father, just like Jesus had a father, Father God. Adam was the father and the Prince of the power of the air, his destiny is death and destruction. Both were sons of God one was a spirit and the other was a quickening spirit. Jesus is the Bridegroom, and has a bride as seen in

Jer. 33:1 She is a virgin and a spiritual one at that, she has sat un in the body of Christ and allowed God, to lead her and guide her it into all truth, and train his church to win the race or battle as true warriors or true believers. Soldiers can go a- wall don’t you know a warrior never quits he will die for his cause just like David and he was from the root of Jessie and so is our Lord Jesus Christ. A royal line even in the natural. Jesus is a son of God and we are his people. We will rule and rein. He is making us joint heirs or giving us power and authority over life or death and the power through the Holy Spirit. As Jesus bride we will never taste the second death. She will be a bride adorned for her husband, cloth in fine linen pureness.

Jer.33:11 The voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the voice of them shall say, Praise the Lord of host: for the Lord is good; for his mercy endures forever and of them that shall bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord. For I will cause to return the captivity of the land, as at first, saith the Lord. Just think of being married to Jesus Christ and him sharing his throne. He is the coolest cat I know. Only in an eternal way. Praise his Holy name. So let’s stop pimping the Lord and start primping his righteousness every day in our walk in him.

Rev. 21:2, 9 says, and I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. Then goes onto say he will show us his bride the Lamb’s wife. Please read the rest of the scriptures on Bride and Bridegroom on the computer, on the online King James Version of the bible. There is a cry come up higher and higher in him and see the glory of the bride. She diligently sought him; she was always obedient to him, she was a virgin and full of virtue. Just like the lady that touched the hem of his garment she was full of virtue. So will the bride of Christ. Be blessed. Read the whole book on Songs of Solomon, pray in tongues let the spirit talk to you. It’s a love story.
